

Description [src]

class RB.RhythmDBQueryModel : GObject.Object
  implements Gtk.TreeModel, RB.RhythmDBQueryResults {
  priv: RhythmDBQueryModelPrivate*

A RhythmDBQueryModel contains an ordered set of RhythmDBEntry items, either generated by running a query against the database, or populated by adding individual entries.

All sources use a RhythmDBQueryModel to provide their track listing. Since most sources provide a search or filtering capacity, there is usually a distinction between the source’s base query model, which contains all entries for the source, and its current query model, which reflects the current search terms and filter selections.

A RhythmDBQueryModel can be populated directly from the RhythmDB, or it can be chained to another query model. Chained query models inherit the set of entries from the query model they chain to and then restrict the set using a query.

The query model consists of a GSequence, which provides ordering of entries, and a GHashTable, which allows efficient checks to see if a given entry is in the model. A side effect of this is that an entry can only be placed into a query model in one location.

In addition to the query, a RhythmDBQueryModel can have a sort order and a limit, specified in terms of file size, duration, or number of entries. A query model can only have a limit if it also has a sort order, as the sort order is required to determine which entries fall inside the limit. When a limit is applied, entries that match the query but fall outside the limit are maintained in a separate GSequence and GHashTable inside the query model.




Constructs a new RhythmDBQueryModel with the specified query and sorting parameters.


Constructs a new empty query model with no query or sorting parameters. This should only be used when the query model will be populated by explicitly adding entries.

No description available.



Sort function for sorting by album. Sorts by album, then disc number, then track number, then title.


Sort function for sorting by artist. Sorts by artist, then album, then disc number, then track number, then title.


Sort function for sorting by bitrate. Lossless encodings (as identified by media type) are considered to have the highest possible bitrate. Falls back to sorting by location for equal bitrates.


Sort function for sorting by composer. Sorts by composer, then album, then disc number, then track number, then title.


Sort function for sorting by release date. Falls back to album sort order for equal dates.


Sort function for sorting by a rounded floating point value. The property value is rounded up to an integer value for sorting. If the values are the same, falls back to sorting by location.


Sort function for sorting by genre. Sorts by genre, then artist, then album, then disc number, then track number, then title.


Sort function for sorting by location.


Sort function for sorting by a single string property Falls back to location sort order if the strings are equal.


Sort function for sorting by title. Falls back to sorting by location if the titles are the same.


Sort function for sorting by track. Sorts by artist, then album, then disc number, then track number, then title.


Sort function for sorting by an unsigned integer property value. If the values are the same, falls back to sorting by location.

Instance methods


Adds an entry to the query model at the specified position. Does not check if the entry matches the query (if any).


Chains model to base. All changes made to the base model will be reflected in the child model, and all changes made to the child model will be passed on to the base model.


Constructs a status string describing the contents of the model.


Copies all entries from src to dest.


Creates a GtkTreeIter pointing to the specified entry in the model.


Returns the total duration of all entries in the model.


Locates and returns the next RhythmDBEntry in the model after the specified entry. The caller owns a reference to the returned entry.


Locates and returns the RhythmDBEntry in the model before the specified entry. The caller owns a reference to the returned entry.


Returns the total size of all entries in the model.


Checks if a RhythmDBQueryModel has any outstanding changes that are yet to be processed. This is not very useful.


Locates and returns the RhythmDBEntry pointed to by the specified iterator in the model. The caller owns a reference to the returned entry.


Moves an entry to a new position in the query model. The position must be a between 0 and the number of entries in the model. Specifying -1 does not move the entry to the end of the model.


Reapplies the existing query to the entries in the model. This is mostly useful when the query contains relative time criteria (such as ‘not played in the last hour’). This will only remove entries that are already in the model, it will not find entries that previously did not match the query.


Removes an entry from the query model.


Sets a new sort order on the model. This reorders the entries in the model to match the new sort order.


Shuffles the entries in the model into a new random order.


Locates the RhythmDBEntry identified by the specified path in the model. The caller owns a reference to the returned entry.

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.

Methods inherited from GtkTreeModel (28)

Please see GtkTreeModel for a full list of methods.

Methods inherited from RhythmDBQueryResults (3)

Provides a new set of query results. References must be taken on the entries.


Called when the query is complete and all entries that match the query have been supplied to rhythmdb_query_results_add_results. If the object implementing this interface needs to identify newly added or changed entries that match the query, it needs to use the entry-added, entry-deleted and entry-changed signals from RhythmDB.


When a new query is run, this method is invoked to give the object implementing this interface a chance to take a copy of the query criteria, so that it can evaluate the query for newly added or changed entries once the query is complete.


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No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.



Emitted when the database query populating the model is complete.


Emitted when an entry in the query model is changed. When multiple properties are changed, the entry-prop-changed signals will be emitted in the order that the changes were made. At the point that the signal is emitted, all changes have already been applied to the RhythmDBEntry.


Emitted when an entry is removed from the model. There is some difference between this and the GtkTreeModel row-removed signal but I don’t know what it is right now.


Emitted when an entry is being added to a model by drag-and-drop. This allows the owner of the model to filter out entries that should not be added to the model (based on entry type, for instance). If the signal handler returns FALSE, the entry will not be added.


Emitted when a URI that does not match an existing RhythmDBEntry is dropped into the query model.


Emitted after an entry has been removed from the model.

Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

Signals inherited from GtkTreeModel (5)

This signal is emitted when a row in the model has changed.


This signal is emitted when a row has been deleted.


This signal is emitted when a row has gotten the first child row or lost its last child row.


This signal is emitted when a new row has been inserted in the model.


This signal is emitted when the children of a node in the GtkTreeModel have been reordered.

Class structure

struct RBRhythmDBQueryModelClass {
  GObjectClass parent;
  void (* complete) (
    RhythmDBQueryModel* model
  void (* entry_prop_changed) (
    RhythmDBQueryModel* model,
    RhythmDBEntry* entry,
    RhythmDBPropType prop,
    const GValue* old,
    const GValue* new_value
  void (* non_entry_dropped) (
    RhythmDBQueryModel* model,
    const char* uri,
    int position
  void (* entry_removed) (
    RhythmDBQueryModel* model,
    RhythmDBEntry* entry
  void (* post_entry_delete) (
    RhythmDBQueryModel* model,
    RhythmDBEntry* entry
  gboolean (* filter_entry_drop) (
    RhythmDBQueryModel* model,
    RhythmDBEntry* entry

No description available.

Class members
parent: GObjectClass

No description available.

complete: void (* complete) ( RhythmDBQueryModel* model )

No description available.

entry_prop_changed: void (* entry_prop_changed) ( RhythmDBQueryModel* model, RhythmDBEntry* entry, RhythmDBPropType prop, const GValue* old, const GValue* new_value )

No description available.

non_entry_dropped: void (* non_entry_dropped) ( RhythmDBQueryModel* model, const char* uri, int position )

No description available.

entry_removed: void (* entry_removed) ( RhythmDBQueryModel* model, RhythmDBEntry* entry )

No description available.

post_entry_delete: void (* post_entry_delete) ( RhythmDBQueryModel* model, RhythmDBEntry* entry )

No description available.

filter_entry_drop: gboolean (* filter_entry_drop) ( RhythmDBQueryModel* model, RhythmDBEntry* entry )

No description available.

Virtual methods