Description [src]
class RB.Shell : GObject.Object
priv: RBShellPrivate*
RBShell is the main application class in Rhythmbox. It creates and holds
references to the other main objects (RBShellPlayer
, RhythmDB
, RBDisplayPageTree
constructs the main window UI, and provides the basic DBus interface.
Instance methods
Searches for a source matching source_uri
and if found, selects it,
and depending on the value of play
, may start playing from it.
Device-based sources will match the device node or mount point URI.
Other types of sources may have their own URI scheme or format.
This is part of the DBus interface.
Adds the specified URI to the Rhythmbox database. Whether the title and genre specified are actually used is up to the source that handles the URI.
Adds a widget to the main Rhythmbox window. See #gtk_box_pack_start for details on how the expand and fill parameters work.
Gathers and returns all metadata (including extra metadata such as album art URIs and lyrics) for the specified URI.
Looks up and returns the source that owns entries of the specified type.
Attempts to locate the source that should handle the specified URI. This iterates through all sources, calling #rb_source_want_uri, returning the source that returns the highest value.
Loads a URI representing a single song, a directory, a playlist, or an internet radio station, and optionally starts playing it.
Attempts to display the main window to the user. See #gtk_window_present for details.
Begins the process of shutting down Rhythmbox. This function will return. The error parameter and return value only exist because this function is part of the DBus interface.
Registers a source as the owner of entries of the specified type. The main effect of this is that calling #rb_shell_get_source_by_entry_type with the same entry type will return the source. A source should only be registered as the owner of a single entry type.
Attempts to set a property of a database entry identified by its URI. If the URI identifies a file and the property is one associated with a file metadata tag, the new value will be written to the file.
Emitted when creating a new RBSongInfo
window. Signal handlers can
add pages to the song info window notebook to display additional information.
Emitted when a notification should be displayed showing the current playing entry.
Emitted before the visibility of the main window changes. The return value overrides the visibility setting. If multiple signal handlers are attached, the last one wins.
Signals inherited from GObject (1)
The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.
Class structure
struct RBShellClass {
GtkApplicationClass parent_class;
gboolean (* visibility_changing) (
RBShell* shell,
gboolean initial,
gboolean visible
void (* visibility_changed) (
RBShell* shell,
gboolean visible
void (* create_song_info) (
RBShell* shell,
RBSongInfo* song_info,
gboolean multi
void (* removable_media_scan_finished) (
RBShell* shell
void (* database_load_complete) (
RBShell* shell
No description available.
Class members
parent_class: GtkApplicationClass
No description available.
visibility_changing: gboolean (* visibility_changing) ( RBShell* shell, gboolean initial, gboolean visible )
No description available.
visibility_changed: void (* visibility_changed) ( RBShell* shell, gboolean visible )
No description available.
create_song_info: void (* create_song_info) ( RBShell* shell, RBSongInfo* song_info, gboolean multi )
No description available.
removable_media_scan_finished: void (* removable_media_scan_finished) ( RBShell* shell )
No description available.
database_load_complete: void (* database_load_complete) ( RBShell* shell )
No description available.