

Description [src]

class RB.SourceSearch : GObject.Object
  /* No available fields */

These translate the text in the search entry box into a RhythmDBQuery. The basic implementation will return a query like RHYTHMDB_QUERY_PROP_LIKE, RHYTHMDB_PROP_SEARCH_MATCH, text. Simple variants can restrict the search to single properties (artist, album, genre). More complicated searches could implement something like the Xesam User Query spec.

The source header finds the search instance to use by looking for the ‘rb-source-search’ data item on the active search action.





Adds a registered search instance to a search menu.


Finds the registered search instance with the specified name.

Instance methods


Creates a RhythmDBQuery from the user’s search text.


Returns a description of the search suitable for displaying in a menu.


Determines whether the new search text will result in a subset of entries matched by the previous search. This is used to optimise the search query.


Registers a named search instance that can be used in menus and search action states.

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.


Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

Class structure

struct RBSourceSearchClass {
  GObjectClass parent_class;
  GHashTable* searches;
  gboolean (* is_subset) (
    RBSourceSearch* search,
    const char* current,
    const char* next
  RhythmDBQuery* (* create_query) (
    RBSourceSearch* search,
    RhythmDB* db,
    const char* search_text
  char* (* get_description) (
    RBSourceSearch* search

No description available.

Class members
parent_class: GObjectClass

No description available.

searches: GHashTable*

No description available.

is_subset: gboolean (* is_subset) ( RBSourceSearch* search, const char* current, const char* next )

No description available.

create_query: RhythmDBQuery* (* create_query) ( RBSourceSearch* search, RhythmDB* db, const char* search_text )

No description available.

get_description: char* (* get_description) ( RBSourceSearch* search )

No description available.

Virtual methods


Creates a RhythmDBQuery from the user’s search text.


Returns a description of the search suitable for displaying in a menu.


Determines whether the new search text will result in a subset of entries matched by the previous search. This is used to optimise the search query.