

Description [src]

class RB.PlayOrder : GObject.Object
  priv: RBPlayOrderPrivate*

A play order defines an ordering of the entries from a RhythmDBQueryModel that the RBShellPlayer uses to get the next or previous entry to play.

Play order methods are invoked when changes are made to the query model, when the query model is replaced, the playing source is changed, or a new playing entry is selected.

The play order must implement methods to check for, retrieve, and move to the next and previous entries in the play order. Only the go_next and go_previous methods actually change anything.

The play order should also emit the have-next-previous-changed signal to hint that the availability of either a next or previous entry in the order may have changed. This information is used to update the sensitivity of the next and previous buttons.


Instance methods


Only for use by RBPlayOrder subclasses.


Returns the next entry in the play order, or the first if not currently playing.


Only for use by RBPlayOrder subclasses.


Returns the current playing entry in the play order.


Returns the previous entry in the play order, or NULL if not currently playing.


Only for use by RBPlayOrder subclasses.


Only for use by RBPlayOrder subclasses.


Moves to the next entry in the play order. If not currently playing, sets the first entry in the play order as the playing entry.


Moves to the previous entry in the play order. If not currently playing, does nothing.


If there is no current playing entry, returns true if the play order is non-empty.


Returns TRUE if there is an entry before the current entry in the play order. If not currently playing, returns FALSE.


Returns TRUE if the RhythmDBQueryModel is not empty. Can be used to implement has_next and has_previous for play orders that have no beginning or end.


Returns TRUE if there is a current playing entry in the play order.


Sets the playing RBSource for the play order. Should be called by RBShellPlayer when the active source changes. Subclasses should implement playing_source_changed() to make any necessary changes.


Updates the RhythmDBQueryModel instance for the play order. Called from the RBSource notify signal handler, and also from

rb_play_order_source_changed. Subclasses should implement

query_model_changed() to make any necessary adjustments if they store any state based on the contents of the RhythmDBQueryModel.


Sets the playing entry in the play order.

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.



The RBShellPlayer instance.


The current playing RhythmDBEntry.



Emitted as a hint to suggest that the sensitivity of next/previous buttons may need to be updated.

Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.

Class structure

struct RBPlayOrderClass {
  GObjectClass parent_class;
  void (* playing_source_changed) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder
  void (* db_changed) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder,
    RhythmDB* new_db
  void (* playing_entry_changed) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder,
    RhythmDBEntry* old_entry,
    RhythmDBEntry* new_entry
  void (* entry_added) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder,
    RhythmDBEntry* entry
  void (* entry_removed) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder,
    RhythmDBEntry* entry
  void (* query_model_changed) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder
  void (* db_entry_deleted) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder,
    RhythmDBEntry* entry
  void (* playing_entry_removed) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder,
    RhythmDBEntry* entry
  gboolean (* has_next) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder
  RhythmDBEntry* (* get_next) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder
  void (* go_next) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder
  gboolean (* has_previous) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder
  RhythmDBEntry* (* get_previous) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder
  void (* go_previous) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder
  void (* have_next_previous_changed) (
    RBPlayOrder* porder,
    gboolean have_next,
    gboolean have_previous

No description available.

Class members
parent_class: GObjectClass

No description available.

playing_source_changed: void (* playing_source_changed) ( RBPlayOrder* porder )

No description available.

db_changed: void (* db_changed) ( RBPlayOrder* porder, RhythmDB* new_db )

No description available.

playing_entry_changed: void (* playing_entry_changed) ( RBPlayOrder* porder, RhythmDBEntry* old_entry, RhythmDBEntry* new_entry )

No description available.

entry_added: void (* entry_added) ( RBPlayOrder* porder, RhythmDBEntry* entry )

No description available.

entry_removed: void (* entry_removed) ( RBPlayOrder* porder, RhythmDBEntry* entry )

No description available.

query_model_changed: void (* query_model_changed) ( RBPlayOrder* porder )

No description available.

db_entry_deleted: void (* db_entry_deleted) ( RBPlayOrder* porder, RhythmDBEntry* entry )

No description available.

playing_entry_removed: void (* playing_entry_removed) ( RBPlayOrder* porder, RhythmDBEntry* entry )

No description available.

has_next: gboolean (* has_next) ( RBPlayOrder* porder )

No description available.

get_next: RhythmDBEntry* (* get_next) ( RBPlayOrder* porder )

No description available.

go_next: void (* go_next) ( RBPlayOrder* porder )

No description available.

has_previous: gboolean (* has_previous) ( RBPlayOrder* porder )

No description available.

get_previous: RhythmDBEntry* (* get_previous) ( RBPlayOrder* porder )

No description available.

go_previous: void (* go_previous) ( RBPlayOrder* porder )

No description available.

have_next_previous_changed: void (* have_next_previous_changed) ( RBPlayOrder* porder, gboolean have_next, gboolean have_previous )

No description available.

Virtual methods

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.


Returns the next entry in the play order, or the first if not currently playing.


Returns the previous entry in the play order, or NULL if not currently playing.


Moves to the next entry in the play order. If not currently playing, sets the first entry in the play order as the playing entry.


Moves to the previous entry in the play order. If not currently playing, does nothing.


If there is no current playing entry, returns true if the play order is non-empty.


Returns TRUE if there is an entry before the current entry in the play order. If not currently playing, returns FALSE.

No description available.

No description available.

No description available.


Updates the RhythmDBQueryModel instance for the play order. Called from the RBSource notify signal handler, and also from

rb_play_order_source_changed. Subclasses should implement

query_model_changed() to make any necessary adjustments if they store any state based on the contents of the RhythmDBQueryModel.