Instance methods
Removes a transfer batch from the queue. If an entry from the batch is currently being transferred, the transfer will be aborted.
Finds all transfer batches where source
is the source or destination.
This should be used to wait for transfers to finish (or cancel them) before
ejecting a device. The transfer batches are returned in the order they’re
found in the queue, so waiting for the RBTrackTransferBatch
::complete signal
on the last one is sufficient to wait for them all to finish.
Adds a new transfer batch to the transfer queue; if the queue is currently empty, the transfer will start immediately, but not before the call returns.
Emitted to request installation of one or more encoder plugins for a destination media format. When the closure included in the signal args is called, the transfer batch will be started.
Emitted regularly to convey progress information. At the end of any given
transfer batch, there will be one signal emission with done
== total
== 1.0.
Signals inherited from GObject (1)
The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.
Class structure
struct RBTrackTransferQueueClass {
GObjectClass parent_class;
void (* transfer_progress) (
RBTrackTransferQueue* queue,
int done,
int total,
double fraction,
int time_left
No description available.
Class members
parent_class: GObjectClass
No description available.
transfer_progress: void (* transfer_progress) ( RBTrackTransferQueue* queue, int done, int total, double fraction, int time_left )
No description available.