

Declaration [src]

rb_track_transfer_queue_find_batch_by_source (
  RBTrackTransferQueue* queue,
  RBSource* source

Description [src]

Finds all transfer batches where source is the source or destination. This should be used to wait for transfers to finish (or cancel them) before ejecting a device. The transfer batches are returned in the order they’re found in the queue, so waiting for the RBTrackTransferBatch::complete signal on the last one is sufficient to wait for them all to finish.



Type: RBSource

The RBSource to search for.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.

Return value

Type: A list of RBTrackTransferBatch*

GList of RBTrackTransferBatch objects, not referenced.

The caller of the method takes ownership of the returned data container, but not the data inside it.